Awesome SEGA themed Instagram Accounts – The SEGA Community


Instagram accounts
Instagram accounts

Since joining up to Instagram and posting my own photos of my SEGA collection back in early 2019, I’ve met many awesome people from the gaming community… So here’s a short look at some of my favourite Instagram gaming accounts, which are either SEGA themed, or have an interest in SEGA. All, in my opinion, well worth a follow!


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A post shared by S A V E S P A C E (@_savespace_)

Sonic sets off on one of his many Adventures – I love the creativity of the @_savespace_ account. You’ll find plenty of gaming figures pictured in nature, and many with a story to tell.

Being a more recent addition to the Instagram SEGA Community, @wallocollect shows off their collection of SEGA console kiosks from the 1990’s, their many gaming figures, and more besides.


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A post shared by n0signal (@n0signal)

Featuring SEGA, and other gaming companies, @n0signal‘s Instagram includes many excellent photos and moving images, of gaming old and new.


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A post shared by Blastprocessed (@blastprocessed)

With an account name retro SEGA gamers will understand, @blastprocessed is an Instagrammer with a great collection of SEGA games and consoles, with more from other companies too.

@ipadlad is a talented illustrator who has created loads of gaming art, but not least this Sonic Adventure 3 boxart showing what we could have ended up with had the Dreamcast held on a little longer!


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A post shared by Alex Gages (@segagages)

And… possibly the biggest SEGA collection on Instagram, is this amazing account from @segagages! In the photo above, is an original 90’s Sonic statue, which must be an awesome addition to anyone’s collection!

There’s many many more great SEGA and gaming accounts other than those listed, so feel free to add others in the comments below!

Any other great Instagram accounts?x

You can also find me on Instagram, where I’ve photos from my collection too!

Picture of Melton


On a mission. Hello!
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